
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

About Chocolate Cakes

I am struggling to keep  myself away from desserts this season.  I know it would be difficult specially when I have this  desire to find the best chocolate  cake this side of the city,

Mer-Nel's, to us, has the best chocolate cake in Laguna.   There is something in the icing that would  make my daughters eat the cake with their hands using tissue paper as we drive from  Los Banos to our place in BF Homes.  I do not have a photo of Mer-Nel's cake but  the link is here.  I suggest to friends to take a detour to Los Banos if they are going to Tagaytay to try this cake.

Closer to home,  there is Cielin's.  Their shop is situated beside the Church of the Resurrection Parish at  BF  Homes, telephone number 772 1650 .  Cielin's cake is very dark, almost black, and I find it very light and not too sweet.   I took a photo of one of the cakes that Maita bought to give as gifts.

This I must include in this post-- in Singapore, the best chocolate cake for us is home made by Cecille Henares. Telephone number +65 646 6246.   What I know is that she uses Hershey's chocolates.  All the rest is her secret.  

Now it is no longer a secret where my additional pounds will come from this Christmas.

1 comment:

Janette Toral said...

I haven't tried Cielin's cake before. Will check it out.

But I agree that it is hard not to gain extra pounds this holiday season. That is why I decided not to party much. Although it is tempting when most of the gifts received come in the form of food.

Merry Christmas Gerry and Maita!