
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"Ascetic" is a Sports Term

During the Ash Wednesday mass  I attended  today, which  was officiated by Fr. Vic R. Baltazar, SJ, I learned that the word "ascetic" is a sports term.

I have always associated  that word   with monks and cloisters, but Fr. Baltazar  explained that "ascetic" comes from the Greek word "asketes."  It was originally  used to mean "to train for athletic competitions."

Fr. Baltazar pointed out that athletes  are subjected to  strict discipline-- they have to say NO to a lot of things in order for them to achieve their desired level of  skills and fitness.

We too are called to a life to asceticism-- but not necessarily  in the monastic sense. To me,  it  means saying  NO to distractions and inordinate attachments in order for me to give my  YES  to   bigger, deeply meaningful commitments.

With the start of  Lent,  I expect to say NO to myself more often.

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