
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Laetare Sunday 2011: Christ will give you light

Today when I checked  my  facebook account,  I found an interesting post by   Fr. Vic R. Baltazar, S.J,.   I would like to quote what he wrote in verbatim:
Laetare Sunday. Fourth Sunday of lent reminds us of the genuine joy that people who live in God's Light enjoy. Like the blind man in today's gospel, we come before God with our desire to really see, and to see with God's eyes, with eyes of love. Left to ourselves, we we tend to judge by appearances, but in God's light and love, we might see to the core of things: "what is essential is invisible to the eye."
I looked  up the word Laetare, and I found out that it means to rejoice.  It was a meaningful realization for me.

To see with God's eyes. As I read this from Fr. Vic's post,  the song "I See the Light" from the  Disney  movie  "Tangled" played in my  mind.

To me, the song also echoes the message of today's readings.  It may be a  song from a movie all right but  while I  was growing up, I was taught that any love song can be a  religious song.   Here is the original sound track of  "I  See the Light."  Listen intently to the meaningful lyrics. GPS

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